Blog Archive
The purpose of this blogs is to give my opinions on events in the news based on ideas developed in my book Wealth Creation and Wealth Destruction.
17th March 2014
A real recovery?
With the adjustment of economic figures the UK's recovery has been underway for some 15 months however to many it does not feel that way. On one level this is not surprising as employment is always a lagging indicator of economic health but what has got even the traditional economist a little concerned is the stagnation of wages. The standard response is that wages will rise once growth and productivity improve. This comes from the standard economic argument that growth leads to inflation which is the result of higher wages. This is what happened in the past but it may not necessarily be the case this time round. There are many features of this recession and it associated recovery that have defied expectations; the time to recover, low inflation and relatively low unemployment. This should not come as to much of a surprise as the initial response to the crisis differed from previous recessions. Reducing the interest rate and flooding the financial markets with cheap money through quantitate easing. By the same logic we can expect a different type recovery.
There is also a myth to be bust; that improved productivity and growth always lead to wage growth. A long standing complaint of the American middle class over the last twenty years has been how purchasing power has diminished and no doubt their British counterparts would agree, let alone the poor. I would argue that the disconnection between growth and wages is a result of the low inflation policies followed by governments and central bankers. As these policies are set to continue through low interest rates then we can expect more of the same.
Then there is the recovery itself. Services, which primarily form the wealth destruction
part of the economy, have climbed back to their pre-
Whilst the economy is large enough to sustain these jobs it will not lead to further growth. As for anecdotal evidence on the state of the economy, there was Saturday afternoon congestion on the drive to my nearest town centre for much of January but it has returned to its new norm.
3rd March 2014
The Scottish Currency Debate
The British establishment has said that it has no intention of sharing the Bank of England and Alex Salmon has called it a bluff but there are many legitimate reasons why the rest of the UK would want to avoid such an arrangement which are outlined here along with their legal justification here. Another reason that that has not been mention is Salmon's proposal to offer companies a lower corporation tax. Whilst many companies have moved their headquarters to Ireland to take advantage of their lower corporation tax the Euro does provide d a small obstacle. It is unlikely that the British government would welcome such a move from a Scotland within a Sterling zone. It would undermine their ability to independently set taxes or an invitation for virtually every company to move their registration to Scotland.
It is for these reasons and perhaps a few more that it is very unlikely that the remaining UK government's 'bluff' will be called. However there is nothing to stop Scotland from using the pound without any formal agreement. In this case it would be in the interests of the rest of the UK to facilitate such an arrangement. Otherwise the lack of sterling would inhibit all the British economies. Nevertheless it would quickly prove problematic. Not only would there be no direct input into it regulation there would be no obligation to meet Scotland's individual needs. Without the powers to set interest rates that determine growth and inflation or the right to create money the economy would soon become a satellite; independent in name only. In all likelihood the first crises, whatever that is, will probably lead to successful calls for a new currency.
A new currency does not come without its problems. The pro-
The exact detail will depend on the nature of the proposed sovereign fund. If it
is used to build a post oil economy then it may mitigate this reaction, if however
it is invested in stock markets and alike it can most probably be written off as
having any long-
It is for the Scottish people to decide and I do not have a say. There are other reasons for independence but regarding the economy it is likely to create as many new ones as it solves. These will not be insurmountable but the reality may not match the dream.
A warning I am gifted with dyslexia, which among other thing allows me to think outside the box, however the downside for you the reader is that my spelling is not that great and I also have a habit of skipping words. The spell and grammar checker can remove the more horrendous examples but some will get through and it creates another problem that of selecting the wrong word or meaning when the spellchecker offers a list. For the book friends and family tirelessly weeded out these mistakes but the nature of a blog means I do not have this luxury. So fill in the missing or wrong words and if this is too much for you, then any corrections will be gratefully received.